Killinchy Beekeepers Association
Safeguarding policy for children, young people and vulnerable adults
1. Killinchy Beekeepers Association (KBKA)provides educational seminars and training courses for all those interested in learning about honey bees and the craft of beekeeping.
2. These sessions may involve observing the behaviour of live bees on frames in observation hives or the inspection and handling of live bees in hives based at the association Apiary sites or private sites owned by members who are undertaking work on behalf of the Killinchy Beekeepers Association.
3. The KBKA aims to ensure that the young people and vulnerable adults who participate in activities managed by the association will feel physically, emotionally and intellectually safe.
3.1 In Northern Ireland a child is defined as a young person under their 18th birthday
3.2 Vulnerable adults are people who are in or may be in need of community care services because of mental or physical disability, age or illness. They may be unable to protect themselves against significant harm or exploitation.
4. The KBKA has practices and procedures which comply with relevant legislation such as
-The Criminal Justice Act:2000
-The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007 by the Protection of Freedoms Act2012
4.1 The policy and its accompanying guidelines will be regularly reviewed to ensure that KBKA continues to meet legislative requirements and other recommendations with regard to its activities with children and vulnerable adults
5. Health and Safety Procedures:
During these sessions health and safety procedures will be rigorously followed. Risk assessments for training sessions/ seminars where live bees are present, will outline these procedures. Trainers and participants will be aware of the measures that will be taken to ensure their safety, before sessions commence.
5.1 Protective bee suits, veils and gloves will be available and all participants are required to wear them when attending sessions where bees are being handled.
5.2 Before handling bees, participants will be informed about the dangers of bee stings and the steps that should be taken to avoid/ counteract allergic reactions. As soon as the symptoms of an allergic reaction are evident, then the emergency services are immediately contacted. Session leaders will have received guidance in the recognition of allergic symptoms.
Arrangements have been put in place with NI Ambulance Services should they be called to the association Apiary in an emergency
5.3 Children must be accompanied by an adult who has the responsibility for his/her care e.g. parents/guardian or those officially acting in ‘loco parentis’ such as a teacher or designated carer.
5.4 Vulnerable adults must be accompanied by another suitable adult approved by the association unless agreed otherwise. The accompanying adult will be responsible for the welfare and behaviour of the vulnerable adult/s and must be made aware of their responsibilities, prior to the commencement of any session.
6. Trainers:
KBKA will appoint individuals with the appropriate experience and skills to provide a safe and positive experience for the children and vulnerable adults with whom it is working.
6.1 Enhanced Access NI clearance will be required of all members working on behalf of the KBKA before they lead training sessions involving children and vulnerable adults in non-formal settings.
6.2 All members, before they can be responsible for running a session must have prior experience of training and preferably hold or be working towards an appropriate FIBKA qualification.
7. Guidance:
Trainers working on behalf of KBKA will receive guidance to:
Ensure that they are aware of their professional responsibilities and the procedures that they should take to maintain the safety of the young people and vulnerable adults who are participating in their sessions.
Assess and report health and safety hazards in order to maintain the safety of the young people and vulnerable adults and other participants/observers who are attending their sessions.
Raise their awareness of child /vulnerable people protection issues.
Enable them to recognise abuse which might be occurring.
Inform them about disclosure and reporting procedures.
8. Responding to allegations of abuse:
If there is evidence to suggest that abuse by a person/s working under the auspices of KBKA has taken place with a child or vulnerable adult, participating in UBKA activities:
The incident/s will be reported to the Police, and the UBKA and KBKA authorities.
Their work on behalf of KBKA will be suspended. They will not be re-instated until the evidence has been fully investigated and their conduct cleared.
9. Data Protection:
KBKA will minimise the opportunities for images of young people and vulnerable adults being used by those who wish to exploit or harm them.
9.1 Permission to use photographs or videos will be obtained through the school, college parent or guardian. The purpose to which the images will be used will be clearly identified.
9.2 Identification of individuals in photographs or videos will be avoided.
Child/Vulnerable Persons Protection Incident Report Form
Reported to:
Reported By:
Signature of Individual Reporting Signature of Witness (if available)
Signature of UBKA Chair: Agency Report to & Date(if required)
- Guidelines for KBKA members\trainers undertaking work with children and vulnerable adults
- Appropriate behaviour when working with Children and Vulnerable Adults
- Duty of Care
Activities should be planned in consultation with the school, college or host organisation.
When supervising an activity, members must ensure that the activity, equipment and working environment is safe and appropriate for the group.
In the event of a young person or vulnerable adult absenting themselves, or wandering off during a session, you should immediately notify the relevant person in authority at the school, college or organisation. If KBKA is in sole charge the parent of guardian must be notified.
Members who are awaiting the completion of a CRB check will not be given sole responsibility of supervising a session or group.
Avoid situations where you are working alone with a young person or vulnerable adult completely unobserved.
Always ensure that the relevant support workers, teachers or supervisors are present, as agreed, throughout your session.
Do not share personal contact details unless completely necessary with a young person or vulnerable adult.
Physical Contact:
Any form of physical punishment of a young person or vulnerable person under your supervision is strictly forbidden.
Do not engage in unnecessary physical contact which could be open to misinterpretation.
If physical contact is absolutely necessary (ie physical directing an individual during a drama session) permission must be obtained from the individual before any contact is made.
Personal Care:
If a young person requires help with toileting, request the assistance of a teacher or relevant person who cares for the young person’s personal needs.
If a vulnerable adult requires help with toileting, call upon the services of the appropriate support or care worker.
KBKA members / volunteers should use the staff/visitor toilet facilities when working in schools or colleges.
Behaviour towards Young People and Vulnerable Adults:
Positive behaviour should be praised and criticism always be constructive.
Do not make sexually suggestive comments.
If you accidently hurt, distress or offend a young person or vulnerable adult; notify the relevant person in authority or the school, collage or host organisation, complete an incident form and notify the Chair of KBKA.
Provide a positive role model with regards to friendliness, care, courtesy and valuing others.
If a young person or vulnerable adult makes an approach towards you of a sexual or provocative nature during your work, clearly discourage this action without being insensitive. Report any instances of this nature to the relevant person in authority at the school, collage or host organisation.
What to do if abuse is suspected:
All information must remain confidential and data protection legislation adhered to.
If there is some suspicion or concern staff, freelance artists or volunteers should contact the appropriate person at the school, college or host organisation and Chair of UBKA.
Dealing with Abuse that has been Discovered, Disclosed or Alleged:
Trainers may find occasionally that a young person or vulnerable adult share with them their unhappiness from being abused, may discover that the abuse has taken place, or see what they consider to be abuse happening during a workshop or activity. It is essential that action is taken in all cases.
Agree to help the person who wants to share the information with you.
Never agree to full confidentially and avoid making promises you will be unable to keep.
Only question the person to confirm what they have told you, and do not investigate any further. Leave that to the relevant agencies.
The KBKA chair and the UBKA chair must be informed of the situation. KBKA Chair will be responsible for reporting the issue to the local Social Services Child Protection Team, who can be contacted by calling the local police station.
If the abuse has taken place during a KBKA activity remove the alleged person from the activity immediately. Reassure them that this removal does not imply any guilt but is to protect them as much as the person making the allegation.
A report of the incident should be made on the child/Vulnerable Persons Protection Incident report form, and this should be witnessed. Details of any comments made by the young/vulnerable adult should be noted and any evidence attached.
KBKA Members/trainers may access counselling from the NSPCC Child Protection helpline, available 24 hours a day for support; the service is primarily for adults who may need to talk.
Contact 0800 800500