Bee Health in Northern Ireland
DAERA bee inspectors, who operate on a seasonal basis across Northern Ireland, are responsible for the supervision of control and elimination of disease outbreaks, for bee health inspections covering a number of areas in relation to honeybees and bumblebees in particular notifiable pests and diseases.
The department implements legislation relating to the health and welfare of bees. The annual work programme implemented by bee inspectors includes an annual survey for notifiable diseases, follow up inspections after disease outbreaks and checks on imports.
Don’t put your bees at risk!
In Northern Ireland please refer to www.daera-ni.gov.uk/articles/bee-health where you will find information and guidance on Disease outbreaks, Bee health inspectorate contacts; Honeybee and bumble bee imports/exports and Beehealth emergency plans.
To assist bee inspectors with their inspections and disease surveillance, the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs is encouraging beekeepers to register their apiaries on DataBees at www.daera-ni.gov.uk/articles/beekeepers-voluntary-registration