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The Killinchy Beekeepers Association

We are one of the oldest local Beekeeping Associations in Northern Ireland and we are affilliated to the Ulster Beekeeping Association.
We are managed by an elected committee in accordance with our Constitution. Currently we have over 130 active members and continue to grow.
The role of our Association is to serve our local community with support and education helping us to become better Beekeepers.
Activities include beekeeping, education and training courses, mentoring and advice, demonstrations and apiary meetings. We hold an informative, stimulating and entertaining programme of monthly events and presentations.
Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month in Andrews Memorial Primary School, Comber
Throughout the summer months we also run a programme at our Apiary site.
To support our programme, funds are raised through our membership and various other events held throughout the year. We like to donate a portion of our funds each year to a local charity.

Inspection of a Bee Colony in a CDB hive
If you have any questions please get in touch here at
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